Dr. Sakib Bin Amin

A Distinguished Academic and Researcher With  Expertise in the Field of  Macroeconomics, Energy Economics, and Tourism Economics.

About Me

Dr. Sakib Bin Amin

Full Time Faculty
Associate Professor

_____ Highlight _____

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Scholar Cycle

Research and publications have been at the forefront of his academic and professional pursuits. Over the course of my career, I have published numerous research papers and articles in top-tier academic journals, and have presented my research findings at various national and international conferences.

My research has received critical acclaim from my peers in the academic community, and have contributed significantly to the field of economics. Additionally, my publications have served as a valuable resource for policymakers, business leaders, and other stakeholders, who seek to gain a deeper understanding of the economic landscape and the factors that drive economic growth and development.

Eternal Era of Life

As an individual I have led a life full of excitement, having experienced the wonders of travel, the art of music, the thrill of performing on stage, and the joys of a fulfilling family life. With a wealth of travel experience under my belt, I have explored diverse cultures, met interesting people, and gained a unique perspective on the world.

In addition to being a seasoned traveler, I am also a former pianist and stage performer, having spent countless hours honing their musical skills and captivating audiences with their performances. Despite my busy lifestyle, family has always been a top priority, and I have built strong and loving relationships with my loved ones.

My life is a testament to the importance of pursuing my passions, embracing new experiences, and cherishing the bonds of family.

_____ Publication For A Better Future _____

_____ A Little Glimpse of My Life _____