The Gregorian Society is more than an alumni organization; it's a living embodiment of the values instilled at St. Gregory High School – values of knowledge, integrity, leadership, and community. Our members have gone on to excel in fields such as politics, academia, the arts, sports, and beyond, making a profound impact on society. As we navigate the digital age, The Gregorian Society continues to foster connections, celebrate achievements, and provide a platform for networking and collaboration. This digital hub serves as a bridge between the rich history of our institution and the boundless potential of our future.


Executive Body Members: Guiding the Way Forward

The Gregorian Society unfolds as a tapestry of excellence, with the Executive Body Members at its core. These exceptional individuals, hailing from diverse realms, collectively illuminate our path towards greatness.

Each member brings a unique mosaic of experiences and leadership, embodying the ethos that defines The Gregorian Society. Through their collective vision, they mold our legacy while charting new trajectories for our alumni network.


Within The Gregorian Society’s narrative, the educators emerge as luminaries who have forged pathways for generations. This segment pays homage to these mentors, the architects of knowledge and character.

Their unwavering commitment has ignited minds and kindled lifelong curiosity, leaving an indelible imprint on countless alumni. Explore the narratives of these pedagogues who have sown the seeds of learning, nurturing talents that continue to flourish.



Explore the literary world of The Gregorian Society through “Our Magazine.” This digital anthology converges the brilliance of alumni, celebrating intellect, creativity, and expression.

Contained within are an array of articles, essays, poetry, and artwork that mirror the diverse tapestry of our community. “Our Magazine” provides a canvas for alumni to articulate thoughts, embodying the depth of talent that defines The Gregorian Society’s intellectual and artistic legacy.

Our Events

Our Blogs

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Blog 01

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Blog 01

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A Little Glimpse of Memories

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